Monday, December 10, 2012

Fuzzy Polar Bears

Another Pinterest idea I found somewhere and can't find again otherwise I'd link it since I can't take any credit for it being my idea. I cut some basic heads on my cricut on white cardstock. I just did a large circle and two smaller ones for ears, welded. Then I washed out some little fruit cups. The small plastic individual ones. Z baby gladly ate the fruit first for me. She's my fruit monster! Then I painted the inside of the cups white and glued them onto the head cutout for the nose. Then I gathered cotton balls for the fur and found a bunch of colored puff ball things I had intending to use those for just the eyes and top of the nose. Z baby and her BFF had other ideas though! We ended up with some mighty colorful polar bears! Love the creativity :)

I just smeared a bunch of white glue all over the head and then let the girls go to town with the cotton balls and puff balls. In hindsight I should have used more glue, many were falling off. Or I could have let them dip each ball in glue and stick them on that way. Next time!

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